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Human Resources Association of the California Central Coast By-Laws

Article I
Name and Ojectives

Section 1

The name of the Association shall be the Human Resources Association of the California Central Coast (aka “HRCC”). Its business is located in San Luis Obispo, California.

Section 2

The objectives of this Association shall be:

a. To serve the professional needs of persons in the Central Coast area who are directly and primarily engaged or interested in Human Resources.

b. To afford opportunities for the interchange of ideas on subjects pertinent to professional competence in Human Resources.

c. To establish and maintain a spirit of friendly cooperation among its members for the benefit of the organizations they represent and the community as a whole.

d. To conduct and/or participate in studies, workshops, seminars and other projects to assist its Membership.

e. To provide leadership and support for the growth and development of the Human Resources profession in the local area.

To achieve the objectives of the Association, there shall be no unlawful discrimination in membership.

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Article II

Section 1

Persons may be admitted to membership if engaged in the practice of Human Resources as well as those individuals who demonstrate a bona fide interest in Human Resources and in the objectives of the HRCC.

Section 2

Unless otherwise approved by the Board of Directors, members are eligible to volunteer to serve on the Board or on a Committee after one year of HRCC membership.

Section 3

Application for membership shall be submitted through the HRCC website.

Section 4

Membership is associated with the individual, not the organization by which the individual is employed, regardless of the payer of the annual membership dues. Membership in the Association is revoked for failure to pay dues.

Section 5

Membership in the Association may be suspended or terminated for breach of the Association Bylaws, falsification of application information or conduct contrary to the goals of the Association. Written notification must be given to the member at least five (5) days prior to a hearing before the Board of Directors. Following the hearing, a majority vote of a quorum of the Board of Directors will be required to suspend or terminate an individual's membership.

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Article III

Membership dues in the Association shall be those approved by a majority of the Board of Directors, and shall be payable in advance to the Association for the year. Membership dues are non-refundable and are not transferable. For each member, the membership year begins the first month dues are paid.

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Article IV

Section 1

Association Meetings

Regular meetings of the Association shall be held on the second Tuesday of each month or otherwise as determined by the Board of Directors.

Section 2

Board of Directors Meetings

Regular meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held at a time and place agreed upon by a majority of the Board. Any additional meetings shall be at the call of the President or a majority of the Board of Directors.

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Article V
Board of Directors

Section 1

The Board of Directors shall consist of eight (8) regular members who shall be elected in accordance with procedures prescribed by the current Board. Board Positions are: President, Past President, Secretary, Treasurer, Vice President of Professional Development, Vice President of Communications/Newsletter, Vice President of Community Outreach, and Vice President of Operations. All references herein to the number of Board Members required to approve motions shall refer to those members present and voting at the Board of Directors meeting. A majority of the Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.

The President shall appoint all standing and special committees, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors. Each committee chairperson shall coordinate the activities of the committee with those of other committees, the Board of Directors, and the President.

The Board shall appoint an audit committee each year for the purpose of auditing the HRCC’s financial records. The results of the audit shall be presented to the members at a monthly meeting no later than July 1st of the following year.


Section 2

In order to provide continuity in the conduct of the Association, the immediate past President of the Association, when not fulfilling an elected term of office, will be an ex-officio member of the Board, with full privileges including voting.


Section 3

The Board of Directors shall meet at least bi-monthly. In the event a Board member is absent from more than three (3) Board meetings within a calendar year, without a reason acceptable to the President, such member shall be deemed to have resigned from Board membership.

Section 4

If a member of the Board of Directors should leave before the end of their elected term, the remainder of that term may be filled by appointment by the President with approval by a majority of the Board of Directors. These appointees to the Board may stand for election at the end of the term of the Board Member they replaced.

Section 5

No compensation is paid to Board members except allowed reimbursements of expenses in the performance of their duties.

Section 6

Terms of office of the Board shall be for one calendar year, commencing on January 1 of each year.  

Section 7

The Board of Directors will present a slate of nominees to the members at the November general meeting for ratification.

Section 8

Installation of the new Board shall be conducted at the December general meeting.

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Article VI
Duties of the Board of Directors

Section 1

The President of the Board shall serve as Chief Executive Officer of the Association. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association and Board of Directors, and shall fulfill such other duties as normally pertaining to the office of President.

Section 2

The Past President shall, during the absence of the President, assume responsibility for fulfilling the functions of the President. The Past President shall perform such duties as the Board of Directors may direct. In the event of a resignation or prolonged absence or disability of the President, the Past President shall assume office of the President.

Section 3

The Secretary shall keep a record of the proceedings of all Board meetings and shall perform such other duties as designated by the Board of Directors.

Section 4

The Treasurer shall be responsible for the financial affairs of the Association, shall collect all dues and other income for deposit to the credit of the Association in the bank designated for this purpose by the Board, and shall make all expenditures of Association funds. The Treasurer shall prepare and present statements on the financial condition of the Association to the Board monthly, and make such financial statements available to individual association members upon request. The Treasurer will ensure the Association maintains its non-profit requirements with state and federal agencies by preparing reports, paying fees or performing other activities as necessary.

Section 5

The Vice President of Operations is responsible for negotiating and fulfilling the contract for meeting and event locations, meals, and other services. The Vice President of Operations shall oversee the following standing committees: Membership, Reservations, and Hospitality.

Section 6

The Vice President of Professional Development is responsible for coordinating the vendor spotlight programs, the monthly meeting programs and overseeing the following standing committees: Programs and Annual Conference.

Section 7

The Vice President of Communications shall be responsible for overseeing our Association website and technical presentations, creating and distributing all press releases, the monthly newsletter, and the Board of Directors annual ballots. The Vice President of Communications shall be the liaison to the media. The Vice President of Communications oversees the Social Media Committee and interns.

Section 8

The Vice President of Community Outreach shall be responsible for our community projects, maintaining our relationship with students and others interested in Human Resources, and other community development activities as assigned by the Board of Directors.

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Article VII
Standing Rules

Section 1

The name of the Association shall not be cited, listed, or published as supporting, endorsing or sponsoring any activity or function not under the sole jurisdiction of the Association without prior authorization in writing by the Board of Directors.

Section 2

The Bylaws may be amended by a majority vote of the Board of Directors, provided that advance notice of the nature of the amendments to be voted on shall have been given to the Board of Directors.

Section 3

Except as otherwise provided by the Constitution and Bylaws, the "Roberts Rules of Order” shall govern as parliamentary authority for the conduct of all Board meetings and all member meetings.

Section 4

No individual member has rights to the assets of the Association.

Section 5

Corporate documents and Bylaws will be retained with the current President of the Association or Designee.


Bylaws approved September 21, 2005

Revised:November 16, 2017 

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